Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Explain Geoffrey Parker's concept of the western way of War How does Essay

Explain Geoffrey Parker's concept of the western way of War How does the Western way of war influence current US action in I - Essay Example From the fifteenth century, the role of the Western military has been to propagate and uplift the cultures of the western nations.   Writers of various genres of military history had a variety of reasons for writing about military life.   Three factors have contributed to the excellence of the western military over those of the neighboring non-European nations and the Americas. First of all, widespread politicization and acceptance of Christianity in the western world contributed to this. Later, the industrial revolution led to innovations in military technology.   Finally, there was imposition of Western cultures into the non-western word through means such as trade and colonialism.  Currently, the imposition occurs through western globalization. Therefore, these three factors have played a role in the western world’s military dominance. This has led to the phenomenon referred to as, Eurocentric Supremacy1. Military historians who describe the phenomenon of Eurocentri c Supremacy explained that many non-Europeans were compelled to convert to Christianity.   The first military officer to convert to Christianity was Constantine. ... It, therefore, led to numerous military attacks and campaigns by the western military. A great number of military attacks resulted from conflicts between the Orthodox Church and Christianity.    The western military took its campaigns outside their jurisdiction. This phenomenon led to widespread colonization of other nations by the west and the norm of slave trade. At this time, the other nations had the difficulty in opposing the western colonies because the western colonies were well equipped due to the dominant industrial revolution and innovation. It is, therefore, clear that the spread and development of Christianity throughout the western nations contributed to the Euro-centrism that was typical of the Western military. The technological advancements and innovations that resulted from the western industrial revolution all led to a supremacy in the western military’s mechanisms of war2.   In his work concerning the advent of technology and modern war, Martin Van Creve ld illustrates the point of technology that was typical of the western way of life. Creveld quips that the modern war is adversely infiltrated by technology. He further adds that technology has now governed war. This he attributes to the western culture which has ensured that the principles of war have been upheld since time immemorial. The western power has experienced invincibility from the past. This is due to the fact that the western word is motivated towards usage of technology in war either at the beginning of the war or at the middle and end of the war. The western world also has unyielding thirst in its quest to discover newer forms of technology that will improve its war and military activities. These are the factors that have all along made the

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