Saturday, August 31, 2019

School-Based Consultations

Behavioral model looks closely at the behaviors of the victims, by going back by collecting data on their behavioral history. The behavioral modeling is meant to assess at the behavioral patterns of an individual from the past and relate to them to the present, know why individual is behaving in that strange manners, whether the causes for the behavior change could be the family, environment, the friends, the workplace or the community and then look for strategies that can assist in correcting the behavior. In behavioral modeling the consultant should look for ways of trying to modify the behavior of the boy and also know why the boy is behaving in that strange way. Within an overall setting of concern for the boy’s interest, the consultant’s intervention falls into one of the following categories; a) prescriptive which is about giving advice and instructions and being directive and critical, b) informative by imparting new knowledge, instructing and interpreting, c) confronting which is challenging a restrictive attitude or direct feedback within a caring context, d) carthartic, which is seeking to release emotion in the form of laughter, trembling and anger, e)catalytic which is encouraging the boy to discover and explore his own latent thoughts and feelings and f) supportive which is offering comfort and approval, affirming the boy’s intrinsic value. On the setting and background issues, the consultant should be prepared fully for the job. He/she should have all the necessary background information about the boy to be talked. The consultant should at least be briefed by the teacher on what has been done and areas which need to be looked at, such that when handling the boy, it could be easy to approach him and know what kind of questions to ask him. The place/room should be set for the consultation exercise and it should be convenient to the boy. The boy should be psychologically prepared for the exercise for it to be successful. The goals of consultation are to engage experienced and qualified personnel in a particular field from outside the institution, family, school organization or any set up so as to be able to handle a particular issue or problem from a different perspective without influence from any body. The consultant is supposed to be a person who is highly qualified and who has been in the field/profession for a long time and has that experience which is needed to handle a particular issue without any problem. The consultant should be a person who has good morals, follows the laid down professional ethics and codes of conduct and who respects his/her clients without regarding their age but treating them with much respect and care. They are supposed to be people who are highly dependable because their end product will be an important document which will be used to enforce or implement drastic measures that are meant to improve the present condition of a person from worse to better. For any consultancy to be undertaken, the consultant should be interviewed to find out whether he/she will be able to handle the problem at hand. This is meant to save time and get the expected results at the end of the consultancy. On the side of the consultee (the boy), the consultant should find out whether has had any encounter with any consultant previously and know how they interacted. The boy should at least be aware what consultations means and what is required of him during the exercise. The model coordinates a set of what is called steps which should answer two pertinent questions; when should each step be taken? and when are the inputs to each step determined? The steps include the following; a) Initiating a session-the consultant should first initiate a session for discussion. He/she should introduce him/herself to the boy so that the boy could be aware of who he is going to discuss with. The initial rapport will determine on how the discussion will flow. The consultant should tell the boy what he expects from him and the boy should be given time to decide if he will be willing to talk to the consultant. b) Find out about the historical background of the family/ information gathering- the consultant should critically look at the behavioral patterns of the boy’s family before making conclusions. He should find whether really the father’s sickness affects his performance. Are there other members of the family who are still in school and have been affected by the same? The consultant should find out whether if the boy was counseled previously and if there was any impact. He should compare the academic performance of the boy before the father was sick and during the time he is sick and then come up with a conclusion. It may be possible that the boy could be using the father’s sickness to perform poorly. At the same time if the family belongs to a fundamentalist religious sect that had been subject to investigative journalism into alleged mind control by a national news show, this can also change the boy’s behavior. The fundamentalist sects teach their followers on radical issues which completely changes the mind and behavior settings of their followers. Too much of radicalism and fundamentalism might have entered into the boys mind and changed him completely and thus affected his academic performance. The behavior patterns of the boy should be traced from the time he joined the fundamentalist religious sect and at the same time look at the behavioral patterns of the other family members. c) Explaining and planning-this is the best moment for the consultant to provide the correct amount and type of information that is required from the boy. Some information may not be necessary and it is up to the consultant to control the discussion with the boy and stick only to the topic so as not to waste time on matters that will not be helpful. The consultant should also make the boy recall of his worst behavioral acts such that these can bring the boy closer into condemning himself but at the same time trying to create a behavioral change within himself without being forced. This is meant to achieving a shared understanding between the boy and the consultant and makes a way for a shared decision making. d) Isolation- the boy should be isolated from others, but two or three people should be with him to give him company and must be visited to monitor on his behavioral change. The consultants should in isolation with the boy study his behaviors and know what is really happening. He should dig deep into the past history of the boy, the behaviors of the family and the circumstances that have made him to behave like so. This information can only be gotten from the boy when he is alone with the consultant whereby he has the freedom of expressing himself freely. When a victim of the circumstance is mixed with people of the same problem it becomes very difficult to get information from him/her because those who are with that person may influence his/her answering to the questions asked. Isolation does not mean that the boy should be completely isolated from other children or the family but put in isolation when talking to the consultant. The consultant must also make sure that the isolation process does not affect the boy but improves his concentration during the discussion exercise. ) Show the paternal and maternal love-the consultant should at his/her level best the paternal and maternal love to the boy. The boy may have been affected by the father’s sickness in that the boy might have been very close to his father and now he is sick and maybe admitted in the hospital. The boy is missing the paternal love from the time the father became sick. This has stressed the by to a point he can’t perform well in class. This is something very important that the consultant should look at keenly. Every person needs the love of both parents to grow and develop normally and if the boy is missing the love and absence of the father, his mind set and behavior will change. The teacher may conclude that the boy’s behaviors have change including his performance and that he is using the father’s sickness to perform poorly without considering that, true the father’s sickness is a contributing factor to his behavioral changes and poor academic performance. f) Become closer to the boy- the consultant should develop a very close relationship with the boy. He should make the boy to be comfortable with him/her all the time they will be spending together. The consultant should not be sympathetic to the boy as this will worsen the situation but should make sure that boy understands what he is going through and should develop a positive attitude towards change as this will be for the benefit of his psychological well being. The consultant must also involve the friends of the boy to find out more about the boy’s behavior when they are together. The friends should be encouraged to talk to the boy on changing his behavior pattern and they should at the same time tell him the consequences of his changed bad behavior in a friendlier manner. The consultant should even take the boy away from the school if the boy feels that the place is uncomfortable for him for discussions. This will give the boy more freedom to express himself and will build confidence and trust between him and the consultant. It is up to the consultant also to build the rust and confidence with the boy and this will depend as to how she/he will handle himself/herself towards the boy. The consultant must also involve the family members who should be urged to become closer to the boy. May be the mother is very busy attending to the husband’s sickness and so there is no one to even help the boy to relieve the tensions and stresses that are disturbing his well being. The family members and friends should play a bigger role in modeling the behavior of this boy through being closer and talking positively to him and infact this will make the boy to change his attitudes. g) The consultant should start counseling the boy on issues relating to what is happening to him. He should handle the boy with all the respect he needs and should prepare him fully for the counseling sessions. The counseling should not be made to blame him for his bad behaviors but should be meant to mould his behavior for better. The consultant should arrange the counseling sessions with the boy and should not be forced to attend the sessions. The consultant should in the process of counseling the boy be able to give the boy real life examples or show the boy video pictures of the boys of similar age of him, what they underwent and its consequences. From this point of view, the boy will be able to make a decision by himself without being forced but will have to be given options from which he can choose what is best for him. h) The consultant should avoid as much as possible condemning the boy for his bad behaviors but make him realize that his behaviors are not generally agreeable to he teachers and every body and so there is need for him to change. May be the boy has developed enemies including his teachers, but should try and reconcile with them. Since the boy has joined the fundamentalist religious sect, the consultant should not condemn the sect too much to a point of telling the boy that those in the sect have very bad behaviors, but should a look for away of explaining to the boy on the bad side of joining the sect and its negative effects on an individuals mind and behavior. i) The consultant should hold discussions with the teachers of the boy to gather more information about him. The teachers can also contribute towards the behavioral change and attitudes of the boy. There could be teachers instead of helping the boy to improve his performance are always condemning him of his failure. The consultant should request for the records of the boy from the class teacher which will give more information about the boy academic performance and the behavioral records. The teachers should explain to the consultant as to why they are concerned that the boy may be using the father’s illness as an excuse not to performing well academically or there are other hindering factors not including the boy not liking math and science subjects. The consultant should explain to the teachers that the boy says that he doesn’t like the teachers who do not take time to listen to him. ) The consultant should consider telling the boy that if he develops a positive attitude towards maths and sciences and if he concentrates more on his studies than in the fundamentalist sect, he will perform better and will be rewarded for this. This will be a roadway to behavioral change as the boy will be challenged to critically think and analyze his present behavior and its rewards and then measure it with what could become if he changes completely and its rewards. The rewards are meant to give morale and change the reasoning of the boy in that good behavior comes with good things. k) The consultant should make an effort of visiting the boy’s father privately to explain to him that his sickness has greatly affected the boy’s performance. The consultant should encourage the sick father to talk to the boy to change his attitude even though the sickness has affected his behavior and performance. At the same time, the consultant should visit the hospital with the boy so that they can have a discussion together. The father should encourage the boy to work harder in class and put aside his sickness as he (the boy) must continue normally with life and should have faith that father will get well quickly. If the parents of the boys are also members of the fundamentalist religious sect, the consultant should talk with them and express his concern about the boy’s behavior and at the same time discuss with them about how their sect is being discussed on national television and explain how this has affected the boy’s behavior and performance. This will give them food for thought and at the end of it all, they will sit down as a family and discuss seriously about this issue. l) If there is need to change the school where the boy is learning to a different new one, the change for the class teacher or the subject masters in the present school as per the recommendation of the consultant, it should be implemented. The general environment of the school can change the behaviors of the child for better or for worse. The boy should be made to make a wise decision and based on what the consultant will recommend, a shared and common decision will be made without hurting or influencing anyone. If it is found that the teachers handling maths and science subjects are bullying the boy because he is weak in those subjects, they should be told and be changed as may be there could be other children who are affected in the same way and have developed a negative attitude towards the teachers and the subjects and so their behaviors. This should be corrected earlier enough before the situation becomes a crisis. The implication for practice is to give the best professional advice to those clients who need the services. The services are about giving hope and bring change to the affected victims, their family members, friends and the community at large. Consultancy comes in when other alternatives have failed and this is regarded as the last resort as it gives recommendations which give the right way forward on what should be done to arrest the situation. Since the practice is more professional, it means that the end results will be practical and will provide a solution which will be workable and acceptable by all. Conclusion For any problem which arises, an approach has to be found. This approach should be relevant and should be able to solve the problem. Solving an issue related to the behavior of a human being needs a lot of time, commitment and perseverance. The person who has the problem should not be hurried or be blamed for the mistakes they have made or for their bad behaviors. They should be made to realize that what they are doing is not right and so should change for the better of their well being. Concerted efforts must be made by those who can be able to help the victims of the circumstance to change. Change is not forced but it is a process which takes time and it will depend on the individual’s behavior and attitude towards the change which could be good or bad. Consultants should handle their work more professionally because they are paid for their services. The end result must be acceptable and should provide a way forward on how a crisis will be solved. Finally the consultants should make follow ups on their clients to find out whether there is any positive change or a correction has to be made.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Betrayal and Manipulation in the Accidental Billionaires Essay

In the Accidental Billionaires, the motif of manipulation and betrayal is prevalent. Mark Zuckerburg is the prime embodiment of manipulation and betrayal throughout the course of the work. Another character also attributed with such qualities is Sean Parker. Mark and Sean are similar in this aspect; manipulating their own world to achieve their goals. In the first few chapters of the book, the reader is introduced to the Winklevoss twins. The twins turn to Mark to aid them in their social networking idea, the HarvardConnection. After trusting Mark with their program, Mark begins to manipulate the idea into his own. In a very subtle way, Mark delays the twins in time to sire his own program. This action reveals to the reader that Mark is a lone wolf. Mark, told to us in the book, is not interested in money. For example, â€Å"†¦Microsoft had offered Mark between one and two million dollars to go to work for them-and amazingly, Mark had turned them down† (Mezrich 15). This action should be noted as the aspect of working alone seems to be, to Mark, the most efficient way to achieve fame. Mark is highly influenced by Bill Gates, a man who rose out of the very same school Mark attends and manipulated his way throughout his pursuits of Microsoft, and in Mark’s point of view, individual. With his displeasing physique and social incompetence, it is easy to see why people underestimate Mark and are taken advantage of. Another character to note is Sean Parker. Sean Parker is a foil to the protagonist, Mark. Mark pairs up with Sean after he launches ‘thefacebook’. Sean has a history of manipulating his way through major companies with the agenda of getting rich only, quite the opposite of Mark. Sean is extremely energetic, whereas Mark seems to be lazy as represented by his lack variety in his attire- flipflops, jeans, etc. Sean, however, was betrayed by those companies he used to work for, but, ironically, he pursues yet another company that betrays him in the end. Betrayal, through manipulation, is in the subtitle of the book, â€Å"A tale of sex, money, genius, and betrayal. † Betrayal is mentioned last in this climax because that is to show the most important motif and a symbol of the book’s overall structure- It goes from Eduardo and Mark seeking attention to ‘get laid’, then pursue money with genius innovation of modern social networking, and finally, Mark’s betrayal is concluded when he removes Eduardo and Sean from his life because they threatened his brainchild, Facebook. The motif of betrayal is very subtle to the reader. Even after reading the subtitle that Mezrich so blatantly states before the beginning chapter, I was manipulated into completely forgetting about betrayal and instead was focused on the pursuit to fame. Even the title fools the reader in stating the plural form of billionaire, but only one billionaire is spawned at the conclusion of the book. Just as the twins, Eduardo, and Sean, Mark’s real agenda was cloaked to me, until it finally dawned in the closing chapters.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mercy Killing or Murder? Essay

It has been exactly one month ago your mother told you she has cancer and it is inoperable. The doctor have her three months to live and told her that the cancer would be very painful and would spread to her brain causing her to be very confused and disoriented. Now you stand before your mother, a mere shadow of the person she once was. She looks at you with tears in her eyes and asks you to do something that you would never consider doing in a million years. Your mother that you love more than life itself has just asked you to help her commit suicide. She tells you she cannot stand the pain anymore and she cannot bear to see the family stand around her crying, hoping and praying that she will get better knowing she will not†¦ What would you say to her? Would you or could you help her? Would you ask the doctor to do it for you? These are just a few questions one would be faced with if put into that situation. On one hand, you want to do whatever your mother tells you to do. However, on the other hand actually you would be committing murder in the eyes of the law. Euthanasia in my opinion should be a freedom of choice because it provides a way for individuals to relieve extreme pain, it allows individuals to die with dignity, and it frees up medical funds to help other individuals. Although, some may conclude that euthanasia would not only be for people who are terminally ill, it would become non-voluntary, and it would become a means of health care cost containment. Euthanasia provides a way for individuals to relieve extreme pain. Many people fear the lingering effects of chronic illness, when pain and the inability to control one’s body reduce the quality of life (Kavanaugh). What person wants to live if their life is nothing but pain from the time they wake up until they fall asleep. Most people who have these life ending illnesses also have to heal with having to have someone take care of them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This is where most individuals lose what dignity they have. Poor mental health can be treated- medications, psychotherapy, etc. – whereas terminally ill individuals plagued with excruciating pain death is inevitable (Humphry). What kind of life is it to have someone do everything for you? Basically, these individuals are like life size dolls that have to be bathed, dressed, and feed by someone in order to live. There cannot be many individuals who want to live their remaining days on this earth in that situation. Euthanasia allows individuals to die with dignity. When a person has no quality of life, then they should be able to choose to die because it is unfair to force them to continue living (Smith). It is understandable that someone would rather die than have to wear diapers and have someone there that has to take it off and clean up after them. That is just one of the very many things that cause a person to lose their dignity. Human life is sacred it should not be degraded by reducing the quality of life for the sake of extending the quality of life (Green). Family members also go through tremendous grief watching their loved one day after day suffer. Most individuals will tell you that after their loved one has passed away they are glad they are not suffering anymore. Euthanasia provides relief not only for the individual who is suffering, also for the family members who have to endure seeing their loved one suffer and watch lay in utter embarrassment due to the fact that they cannot control their bodily functions anymore. Euthanasia frees up medical funds to help other individuals. Money saved could be used towards saving people who can be or towards research into why their condition cannot be cured (Flemming). Doctors could be on the brink of discovering a cure to a certain illness but they cannot get the funding needed to continue their research because the money went to keep a few individuals alive who were diagnosed with only a month to live. Is that fair to the parents of a five year old who is waiting for that research to be done so their son or daughter could be able to live a full life, grow old, and have children of their own? It would also help the financial burden that would occur on the remaining family members. An individual staying in the hospital one month could accumulate charges in the tens of thousands of dollars. Millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money is spent keeping alive and caring for many people who are just waiting in hospitals to die (Humphry). Can you imagine the research doctors could do with that kind of money? Maybe if a few of those who were diagnosed with only a month to live and wanted to end their life had the freedom to do so, doctors could use the money saved and put it towards finding a cure for whatever that individual was dying from. Who knows, maybe the next person that came along with that illness would be cured due to the fact that a few certain individuals choose to end their lives by euthanasia. Euthanasia would not only be for people who are â€Å"terminally ill. † The legalization of euthanasia would be devastating because it would have mentally ill and depressed individuals that do have some hope of recovery wanting to end their lives (Weir 58). Individuals who are depressed might at that very moment think they want to end their life. Nevertheless, what about a few days later when things do not seem so awful. That individual may not choose euthanasia. Depression, in my opinion should not be a factor in someone wanting to end his or her life. The reason being is that when someone is depressed they may feel like they do not want to live another day, but the next day they might feel very different. That is the problem with someone being diagnosed with depression. One day they may want to die, the next day they may feel like they are on top of the world and want nothing more than to live. An article in the journal, Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, described euthanasia guidelines for those with a hopeless condition, â€Å"hopeless condition† was defined to include terminal illness, severe physical or psychological pain, physical or mental debilitation or deterioration, or a quality of life no longer acceptable to the individual (Braddock). How can any guidelines be set due to the fact that everyone’s idea of an acceptable quality of life is different? What you may think is a good quality of life; another individual may think that if they had to live like that they would go insane. There needs to be more research done on these guidelines before they are set in stone. Euthanasia can become a means of health care cost containment. Legalized euthanasia raises the potential for a profoundly dangerous situation in which doctors could find themselves far better off financially if a seriously ill or disabled person â€Å"chooses† to die rather than receive long-term health care (Smith). This concept would put individuals and their families in an awkward position. Knowing you’re going to die in only a matter of months, do you decide to go ahead and end your life knowing the money saved will help someone else, or do you tough it out waiting and hoping that some kind of miracle cure comes in the nick of time giving you another chance at life? Their doctors might course individuals with HMO’s into euthanasia because HMO’s are all about making money (Dyck). No individual should be made to feel guilty about wanting to live, especially by his or her insurance carrier or doctor. No one should be pressured into making that decision especially when they are ill. Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath before they begin to practice. They swear in this oath to protect life, not to try to end it. If doctors start being coursed by insurance carriers this would go against everything they are suppose to believe in. Some doctors in this world who are all about making money and the legalization of euthanasia would give those unscrupulous doctors the perfect opportunity to make more money. Euthanasia will become non-voluntary. Emotional and psychological pressures could become overpowering for depressed or dependent people causing them to opt for euthanasia (Smith). If doctors start suggesting euthanasia to their patients, those patients may feel like the doctor knows what is best for their situation and actually consider euthanasia only because they feel like the doctor is pressuring them. Before the doctor suggested euthanasia, it was not even a considered by the patient. Doctors need to realize what kind of influence that they have over patients before they start suggesting euthanasia, especially when it comes to the elderly. Most elderly people feel as if their doctor that they have been with for years is some kind of â€Å"God† and will listen to and do just about whatever the doctor tells them. If the choice of euthanasia is considered as good as a decision to receive care, many people will feel guilty for not choosing death (Flemming). This is where euthanasia becomes a problem. Euthanasia goes against most people’s religious belief. However, if the doctor is telling them that it is ok, how are these elderly individuals going to be able to make a sound decision? Euthanasia is a very complex topic, one with many doubts and unanswered questions. The question society needs to answer is not: is euthanasia morally permissible (it has tacitly conceded that it is), but which type of euthanasia is permissible, and under what conditions? The power to terminate life, at present, solely rests in the hands of the medical profession and is not exempt from misuse or abuse. Euthanasia should be a freedom of choice in my opinion, it not only provides individuals relief from extreme pain, it allows them to die with dignity, and it frees up medical funds to help others that are in need. However, some individuals may feel that euthanasia would not only be for people who are â€Å"terminally ill,† it would become non-voluntary, and it it would become a means of health care cost containment. I do not claim to hold the answers to the difficult questions euthanasia raises, nor do I claim to be a pro euthanasia lobbyist. However, I do believe that if an individual is terminally ill and feel that their quality of life is not acceptable, he or she should have the right to choose to either let nature take its course, or choose euthanasia and die with dignity. Work Cited Braddock, Clarence. Physician-Assisted Suicide, Ethics in Medicine. 11 Apr 2008 Univ. of Washington School of Medicine 19 Apr 2008 http://depts. washington. edu/bioethx/topics/pas. html Dyck, Arthur. Life’s Worth: The Case Against Assisted Suicide Economy and Society. AD 2000 16. 2 05 March 2003 http://www. ad2000. com. au/articles/2003/march2003p17_1281. html Flemming, Rebecca. â€Å"Suicide, Euthanasia and Medicine: Reflections ancient and Modern† Economy and Society. 34. 2 (2005) 295-321 Ebscohost. Hazard Community and Technical Coll. Lib, Hazard, Ky. 19 Apr. 2008

Explore the issues of community cohesion, community exclusion and Essay

Explore the issues of community cohesion, community exclusion and marginalisation with specfic reference of young people - Essay Example and Lowe, G, 1999, P. 9) Social change in sociological context involves the alteration of mechanism within the social structure and is characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behavior, social organization or values. (Form, William, 2011) To explain social change in society, sociologists have borrowed various models of social change from other disciplines. Among the first model was the concept of evolution which was used initially to understand biological change and idea of social change. Other sociological model such as structural functionalism came later to shed more light on the issue of social change. This theory explains on the existence of certain basic institution such as kinship relations and division of labor which often determine social behavior in the community. This is owed to their nature of interrelatedness as change in one institution affects other institutions. According to an article entitled ‘social change’ by Form, the various theoretical schools emphasizes in different aspects of change. Marxist theorist for example, suggests that changes in models of production can lead to changes in modes of production can lead to changes in class systems. This can either incite new forms of change or class conflict. Other theorists inclined to conflict the model, emphasizes on conflict an element which is inevitable in every society, which brings about changes that promote social integration. Social change in society can emanate from various societies. The causes of social change affect every aspect of the society in the world. On macro scale, they shape all major institution including economics, politics, religion, family, education, science and technology, military and legal system. On the micro level of society, they shape society’s values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. (, 2011). Major social changes in community include; (a) Technological and economic changes such as agricultural advancement (b) Ind ustrialization- The process of moving from an agrarian based economy in which the primary products is food to an industrial or post industrial economy in which primary product is goods. Also the process of changing from a manual labour force to a technology driven lobour force in which machines play a great role. c) Modernization: The process of moving from an agrarian to industrial society. Characteristics of modern societies include,  larger role of government in society and bureaucracy to run government, Large, formal organizations and division of labor based on specialization of skills and abilities into occupation,  forming of social institutions to regulate behavior,  laws and sanctions to regulate behavior, Control over and management of environmental resources: oil, water, land, animals,  larger role of science in society to produce knowledge to advance society, larger role of education and universities, improved quality of life, ability to buy good and services, mor e recreational time, better public health, housing   and self-efficacy   d) Urbanization where large populations live in urban areas rather than rural areas. Usually results from economic opportunities, either people move to a city for jobs, or rural areas become the sites of large businesses which leads to population growth.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Morality vs. In vitro fertilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Morality vs. In vitro fertilization - Essay Example Although the procedure may indeed benefit the ailing son, it would also bring harm and potential risks to the baby. The manipulation process which would be carried out on the embryo includes personhood qualities which may be lost or destroyed in the process of manipulation (Dane and Finkbeiner, 2007). Even if such harm or risk may not be actually proven in the medical or clinical context, religions and cultural dictates may declare such risks as significant. The scientific and medical way of assessing and declaring the presence of risks cannot be the sole basis for defining harm; â€Å"to do so also would lead to a lack of respect for other religious and cultural beliefs† (Dane and Finkbeiner, 2007, p. 5). In effect, although clinicians may rule out the risk which may be incurred from the procedure as minimal, such risks cannot be overlooked in favor of potential benefits. The justice consideration is also crucial in this discussion. The principle of justice basically sets for th that all people must be given their due. The potential child in this case is being unjustly viewed already not as an individual person, but as a tool – a means to an end. Granting that he was chosen to live for such purpose, justice requires that he be given his due – that of living his life beyond the nefarious purposes of his parents (Hug, 2010).